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a) Background
According to the Constitution of Nepal, there are three tiers of government in the country namely Union, State and Local. The work done by all the three governments has been divided according to the rules of the division of powers and approved tasks granted by the constitution. Provincial Government has been carrying out various works in the fields of drinking water, energy and irrigation in all the thirteen districts of Wamojim Bagmati province, as specified in the division of labor regulations. Construction of drinking water plan (gravity, pumping, improvement of water quality), projects related to drainage, construction of irrigation projects, ground water resources, river control (embankment), works related to renewable energy promotion, study, research, plan formulation, approval and This ministry is carrying out the work of planning, operation and maintenance from the subordinate offices.

b) Vision

  • Clean, accessible and sustainable water and sanitation services.
  • Contribute to increase in agricultural production and productivity by providing sustainable and reliable irrigation facilities.
  • Contribute to the prosperity of the province through sustainable and reliable development of hydropower, renewable energy and water resources.

c) Objectives

  • To provide sufficient and accessible basic water service to citizens living within the province and expand access to medium and high quality water facilities.
  • Ensuring basic sanitation facilities in all households within the province and moving towards complete sanitation.
  • Long-term management of water resources by recharging underground water, protecting watershed areas and springs in places that are not becoming drought-prone due to climate effects.
  • To provide reliable irrigation facilities throughout the year in arable land by developing medium level irrigation projects.
  • Protecting and expanding irrigated agricultural areas by maintaining, improving and rehabilitating traditional and dilapidated irrigation infrastructures.
  • Reducing economic and social damage and risk through watershed management and water-based disaster mitigation and management.
  • To increase the electricity consumption by extending access to electricity service to all households and productive areas in a quality, reliable and accessible manner including energy efficiency.
  • To support sustainable and inclusive economic growth by creating jobs by electrifying and operating industries in areas beyond the reach of rural and national transmission systems through renewable and alternative energy.

d) Strategy

  • Carrying out drinking water projects based on lifting and pumping technology with high priority for areas that do not have basic water supply facilities and drought-affected areas.
  • Upgrading of water supply services in cities and urban areas and market areas by giving priority to water quality improvement projects for the expansion of medium and high level water supply services.
  • To conduct the Sahalgani drinking water project in cooperation with local level and drinking water board.
  • Mobilizing alternative financial resources and manpower in construction, maintenance and management of water supply projects.
  • To maintain environmental hygiene by developing toilets, surface sewers and sewage treatment systems in all households of the province.
  • To prepare municipal and state level WASH Plan in cooperation and coordination with federal department and local level.
  • To protect watershed areas and springs for the management of drinking water and irrigation systems.
  • To develop and expand irrigation schemes in accordance with the master plan of irrigation development and agricultural development strategy to adapt to climate change.
  • To develop irrigation system in coordination and cooperation with the association and local level and to advance projects with intermediate, inter-watershed and reservoirs with priority to provide irrigation services for twelve months.
  • Development of irrigation system by prioritizing areas with potential for production and productivity growth and food insecure areas.
  • Bringing a provincial energy strategy and action plan for overall management including development, monitoring and regulation of provincial level power projects.
  • In cooperation and coordination with the federal government, clean energy will be delivered to all households using rural electrification, solar mini-grid or other alternative energy in areas without access to electricity through the "Poorna Ordut Bagmati Province Program".
  • By expanding energy consumption through maximum use of renewable and alternative energy, petroleum products and LP. Displacing the use of gas.

Last Updated : 2081-09-21 15:06:47

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